Because I can, and it’s the right thing to do.

I was recently speaking with a family member that now lives alone, and we were talking about how hard the economy was, and how hard it was becoming to make ends meet. They went on to tell me how they barely had enough money to go grocery shopping after paying all the bills on their […]

Thrifty Food Buys for 26 July 2012

This weekly post will revolve around stores in my area, and food that we eat. Saving money by buying in bulk is no good if you are storing food you will never eat. “Eat what you store, store what you eat” will be my guidelines. To me, this means very little food that includes any […]

Some days it’s “Fishing, some days it’s “Catching”

They call it “fishing” , and not “catching” for a reason….probably to do with my meager skill set, something I’m sure I share with the majority of folks that go fishing. Tides, sun, moon, stars, solunar tables, proper color, match the hatch, proper presentation, water temperature, the list goes on and on for the things that affect if […]

New Weekly Feature, Thrifty Food Buys for 18 July 2012

(yeah, the name sucks, got a better one, send me an email) I just realized I had yet another Wednesday night conflict – my next post, or go through the flyers posted tonight to see what I’ll be trying to stockpile for a rainy day. Then it hit me, why not

Revisiting an Old Friend – Home built Wooden Pirogue (Cheap Canoe)

I was stumbling around Green Deane’s forum, and ran across a post regarding pirogues, or flat bottom canoes made famous in Cajun country. It brought back memories of one I built during some down time right after a hurricane hit us, and we were sitting around waiting for civilization to get started back up.