Backyard Aquaponics – The Solar Power and the Pumps

Ive introduced my aquaponics project, talked about the magic of the bell siphon, and discussed my containers and what is in them. Now I want to go over the power system, the pumps, and moving forward. I’ve wanted to establish a 12v solar charging system for years, since I live so far south and have […]

Backyard Aquaponics – The Containers and Their Contents

Ive introduced my aquaponics project, and talked about the magic of the bell siphon. Now I want to cover what I used for containers, the construction, and what went into each. Please keep in mind this is simply how I did it. There is no correct way, there is what works for you, and what […]

Backyard Aquaponics – Bell Siphon, The Magic of the System

In my previous post about the aquaponics system I’ve built, I mentioned something called a “bell siphon”, and called it magic. In truth it is simply science, but works so well and does so much with a very simple setup, that it may as well be called magic. What it does is allows water to […]

My off The Grid Coffee Options

James over a SurvivalPunk wrote up his method for off the grid coffee, and while his works fine, I decided I wanted to express my method too. (He does seem to bring out the competitor in me, and I’m thankful for his prodding and motivation. Thanks Bro!) I  could purchase a 12v coffee maker to […]

My Long Term Storage Arrangements

If you didn’t know, I’m what you’d call a “prepper”.  But I find it amusing that what I grew up doing now has a trendy label. Its not like my parents were tinfoil hat wearing paranoids. Far from it. We put food up for the future because it simply made sense. You can’t grow green […]

Dehydrators – A Self Reliance Tool

I was looking for a subject tonight, and realized I’d never written about my dehydrators, though I’ve written many articles that included them as an important background player. The list of my articles that use a dehydrator includes: Drying and Storing Sweet Peppers Fire Roasted Coconut Dried Chili Lime Papaya Chips Making your own All […]