Review: Coleman 4D CPX 6 Classic LED Lantern and CPX Rechargeable Power Cartridge

This one is for Brian over at Thanks for the request! (My video review at the bottom) Yesterday I mentioned dealing with the power outage, and showed a picture of my family eating with a lantern on the table.

“Visiting Unknown Places” – Discount Tackle in Ft. Pierce

Florida is FULL of unknown places, or at least places that most folks will drive by for years, and not realize what a gem they’ve been missing out on. Fishing spots, restaurants, mom and pop stores, shady rest spots, and other great places to add to your list of places to have been, at least once. […]

South River Outfitters 2012 Fleet Sale, or Zach gets a kayak!

It’s been about three weeks since the South River Outfitters had their fleet sale. My young friend, Zach, as well as his father, went with me to the sale. Zach wanted to buy what I considered to be the best kayak of the sale. The same one I went to look at. Knowing of the […]

Long Term Power Loss, and How We Practice For It

I saw on TV today that another tropical depression was heading in my general direction, though currently not projected to hit near my home, but close enough to adversely affect local weather for a week or two. Flipping through the channels, I ran across an episode of the Simpsons where Bart was trying to deal […]

Quick Dehydrator Biltong

Biltong is a cousin of jerky, but incorporates vinegar into the process, and omits nitrates and nitrites, common preservatives found in jerky, at least today’s version. Another difference is that biltong is typically not smoked, something I thought I would miss. I don’t, though I would like to try a bit of smoked biltong eventually. […]

Revisiting an Old Friend – Home built Wooden Pirogue (Cheap Canoe)

I was stumbling around Green Deane’s forum, and ran across a post regarding pirogues, or flat bottom canoes made famous in Cajun country. It brought back memories of one I built during some down time right after a hurricane hit us, and we were sitting around waiting for civilization to get started back up.