Post-Op Ramblings…

I’m feeling much better today, able to move around with a lot less pain. Now to get back into a more “regular” sleep pattern. I’ve been sleeping most days and up most nights for the last few days, throwing off everyone’s daily routine. My posts have been irregular at best, and I’m feeling like getting […]

Salt – An Over-looked long term storable and Brining 101

I gave a whole rabbit to SB a week or so ago, and he let me know a few days later that he ended up smoking it whole – something I’ve not yet tried, but wanted to do. One of the things that I was concerned with is that rabbit, being a rather lean meat (but not […]

Thrifty Food Buy and Uses for 22 August 2012

This is my only “regular” weekly post, and it revolves around stores in my area, and food that we eat. We practice “Eat what you store, store what you eat”. Since I try to eat “Paleo”, this means very little food that includes any grains, legumes, or refined sugars. This week, a little change, I […]