Thrifty Food Buys for 31`July 2012

This weekly post will revolve around stores in my area, and food that we eat. Saving money by buying in bulk is no good if you are storing food you will never eat. “Eat what you store, store what you eat” will be my guidelines. Since I try to eat “Paleo”, this means very little […]

Quick Dehydrator Biltong

Biltong is a cousin of jerky, but incorporates vinegar into the process, and omits nitrates and nitrites, common preservatives found in jerky, at least today’s version. Another difference is that biltong is typically not smoked, something I thought I would miss. I don’t, though I would like to try a bit of smoked biltong eventually. […]

Because I can, and it’s the right thing to do.

I was recently speaking with a family member that now lives alone, and we were talking about how hard the economy was, and how hard it was becoming to make ends meet. They went on to tell me how they barely had enough money to go grocery shopping after paying all the bills on their […]

New Weekly Feature, Thrifty Food Buys for 18 July 2012

(yeah, the name sucks, got a better one, send me an email) I just realized I had yet another Wednesday night conflict – my next post, or go through the flyers posted tonight to see what I’ll be trying to stockpile for a rainy day. Then it hit me, why not

Paleo Mole Crab Poppers or “With Baited Breath”

I love to fish, it’s a serious distraction to me. And while I try to learn as much as possible, I’ve grown to understand that they call it “fishing” rather than “catching” for a reason. I was fishing late one evening about 18 years ago with my oldest daughter, catching small

Canning rabbit

I’ve had a VERY productive year raising my New Zealand/AlTex cross meat rabbits. Not that I should be surprised, they ARE rabbits. And since I’ve packed my tiny freezer full of rib eye steaks, I’m kind of low on available storage for animal protein. A perfect chance to try out the same method of preserving […]

Water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink – MY water plan in a post-hurricane scenario

Having gone through several direct hits as well as a lot more brushes with various hurricanes, I’ve had my share of dealing with hurricane aftermath. All systems break down during and after a hurricane, social, political, and physical. Law enforcement gets pushed to the limit, politicians with little or no emergency training flounder, looking for answers, and the […]

Revisting our “Free Food” volunteer tomato patch

I wrote about our patch of tomatoes that overran my pepper plants, and have mentioned them from time to time since then. Yesterday, I went out and picked all of the ripe fruit from both the volunteer tomatoes, as well as those from the black cherry tomato plants I planted. I was shocked to see […]