What Makes You a Prepper?

I recently went back to my roots in West Virginia, visiting there for the first time since I started FloridaHillbilly.com. I stayed with friends from high school, folks that have consistently proven themselves to be worthy of that short list of folks that you know you can call at 3am when you need bailed out, […]

The Ultimate Secret to Preparedness

A while back, my family and I were at a cookout at a friends house. Also attending were several couples that I’d never met before. After the festivities started to wind down, one of the new acquaintances mentioned my website, catching me off guard. I was well aware that my friends that were hosting knew […]

Fear as a Training Tool

I am a compulsive trickster. Much to my wife’s annoyance, she is on the receiving end on a regular basis. From hiding her personal belongings to jumping out to scare her at the perfect moment, I always tend to keep my immediate family on their toes. After 16 years of marriage, plus several years of […]

Review (and the Official Launch of ) Conflicted Deck 2

Earlier this week, I received my affiliate deck of Conflicted Deck II for review. I’m going to be completely candid here – I’ve not yet gone all the way through Deck I yet. (Read more about my thoughts on Conflicted Deck I here.) I can’t. Seriously, every time I read a card or two, and discuss […]

Frozen Moments in Time – Campfire Breakfast While Primitive Camping on an Island

From time to time, you will have a moment in time that is frozen forever in your mind as a good memory. Odds are as the years pass, that frozen moment becomes better….you forget the bad parts, leaving only the good parts of that memory. A great example of this is

A Preppper Game / Tool Review: Conflicted: The Survival Game

I have mentioned before how Prepper Fiction gets me all amped up, and usually makes me have knee-jerk reactions to the story. It was that way when I read the three books by A. American involving a guy stranded 200 miles away from home after an EMP. It also happened after I watch every episode […]