“Just an Air Rifle”….That Changed History

BlueTang sent me a link to a video (see it below) regarding the Lewis & Clark expedition that talks about one particular piece of gear they carried, a repeating air rifle. A toy you say? Not worth mentioning, you say? How about a .46 caliber, 22 shot repeating rifle with the equivalent stopping power estimated […]

Muscovy Ducks – Yard to Table

For the faint of heart, and/or the vegans. Be warned that this post includes descriptions and video of animals being dispatched for food. If you don’t like the thought of facing your food, don’t bother to read any further. I’m not writing this to make friends, or enemies. I’m writing this because some folks want […]

Vinegar Experiment : Results!

Remember when I took a gallon of not-so-good homemade wine and tried turning it into vinegar? I didn’t for quite a while…in fact, I expected that from myself: “I like projects that thrive on neglect. I tend to forget about them for months at a time, a good thing when you are supposed to wait…this […]

Product Review: Hi Mountain Hickory Blend Jerky Kit and Making Dehydrator Jerky

Note: This product was purchased by me personally. No payment (or even contact) was made by the company, other than to state my order was received and the tracking info on the shipment. This is an unbiased, unpaid opinion.  MY opinion. I was talking on the phone with BlueTang about jerky, as he had just […]

Rabbit Cages

This is about the lessons I’ve learned from raising rabbits. Most of these are self-taught, and mostly due to doing things the wrong way the first time. And sometimes second. This is also timely for a couple of reasons. I’ve given out some rabbit samples to some co-conspirators that wanted to try it, thinking they […]