Hurricane Prep, Day 5 – Friends, Neighbors, Countrymen…

This is the last entry for “Hurricane Prep Week”. There are an unlimited amount of things I could write about regarding getting ready for a hurricane and its aftermath. Generators, tarps, storing important documents, food, etc., are handy, but I don’t think those things are as important

Hurricane Prep, Day 4 – Happy Wife, Happy Life!

Tonight, while making dinner, the wife and I got into a discussion that was heading into argument. I realized it was a no-win, and acquiesced (to the Dallas hillbilly, that means I caved in).  Shifting gears to not think about the conversation, I started to try, yet again, to come up with today’s post. And the answer […]

Water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink – MY water plan in a post-hurricane scenario

Having gone through several direct hits as well as a lot more brushes with various hurricanes, I’ve had my share of dealing with hurricane aftermath. All systems break down during and after a hurricane, social, political, and physical. Law enforcement gets pushed to the limit, politicians with little or no emergency training flounder, looking for answers, and the […]

Review: Midland SAME All-Hazard Handheld Weather Alert Radio

The more you sweat in practice, the less you’ll bleed in battle. I saw this slogan on a softball tee shirt today, and thought it rather fitting to kick off my 5-days of Hurricane Preparedness posts where I will be going over key components of my family’s hurricane preparedness. Paraphrasing, “preparing today makes tomorrow’s crisis easier to manage”. This […]

Paleo Breakfast cereal! (Paleo Crunch)

Paleo is  the “contemporary” Paleolithic diet consists mainly of fish, grass-fed pasture raised meats, vegetables, fruit, roots, and nuts, and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, salt, refined sugar, and processed oils. Breakfast (literally meaning “breaking the fast” of the night) is the first meal taken after rising from a night’s sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day’s […]

Revisting our “Free Food” volunteer tomato patch

I wrote about our patch of tomatoes that overran my pepper plants, and have mentioned them from time to time since then. Yesterday, I went out and picked all of the ripe fruit from both the volunteer tomatoes, as well as those from the black cherry tomato plants I planted. I was shocked to see […]