4th of July

Short post to wish you and your a safe celebration of our country’s 236th birthday.

We are living in troubled times. Our government is spending faster than it can tax us to cover the payments. Food supplies are being contaminated and adulterated in various ways, making it harder to eat a “healthy” diet, depending on who you believe in regards to what is healthy. We have special interest groups with large bankrolls influence governing policy for their own greedy ends, uncaring how it will affect the common man, our future generations, and our planet. These are just some of the problems that affect us day to day.

But we have hope. And as long as we have that, we will continue to try to improve ourselves, our families, our communities, and our planet.

Here is to my hoping that you will enjoy today safely and be considerate of others while you are doing so. And tomorrow, speak up at anything that imposes on someone else’s freedoms. Spread hope, and care about your fellow man. Call it an investment in our future, because it IS.

And never give up hope, because if the tax man has his way, it’s all we’ll have left once he is done squeezing us. Maybe then we can stand up and fix the things that have strayed from our forefathers dreams 236 years ago.



As always, Peace,




One comment:

  1. “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” Winston Churchill

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