After Thanksgiving, you’ve seen it all…
Turkey sandwich is blase’.
Turkey hash has been done.
Turkey noodle soup, pu-lease!
The list continues: Turkey casserole, turkey pot pie, turkey Ruben was sort of new, turkey tetrazzini, turkey bake (???), turkey chili had potential…but nothing had the zing of the fresh bird out of the oven, or in my case the last couple of years thanks to BlueTang, the smoker.
Smoked turkey, properly brined, is a magnificent thing. Juicy, tender, and that smoke ring that makes my mouth water just to write about it. THAT is good eats.
But not so great after sitting in the fridge a couple of days. It seems to have lost its pizazz, or maybe after having eaten three pounds of it in a couple days, I’m a bit over it.
So I went looking at what was left of the carcass, trying to decide if I wanted to boil it away into soup (again), make hash (again), or just say the hell with it and let the animals (dog and chickens) have at it. Yes chickens will eat turkey…and chicken, for that matter. They are nasty little things very much like a small Velociraptor, similar to the Hesperonychus elizabethae, in fact. Don’t believe me? Google it!

There! I TOLD you!
Anyway, back to my turkey leftover dilemma. I had quite a bit of the skin left over, since being wrapped up for the road trip from BT’s house made it lose its crispiness, so I mostly left it alone. A shame, non-crispy skin, too bad I couldn’t…
crisp it..
An inferno of inspiration seared though the kitchen as I grabbed a cast iron skillet, a stick of butter, and all that soggy smoked turkey skin. The skillet went on medium high, and when it started to get nice and hot, I threw in about a quarter stick of butter. As the butter started to just foam up, I threw in the turkey skin, and crisped it on both sides, about 3 or 4 minutes per side. Setting it off on a plate to cool, I was dumbfounded at how good it smelled.
Now THIS was turkey bacon!
Holy smokes (sorry) but this was GOOD! Fantastic, even! The only bad part was that all I got was some lousy video, and it really doesn’t do the stuff any justice!
Then, ironically, James over at Survival Punk come across with an eggroll recipe made with chicken skin the very next day! It seems the file date on my vid is Nov 26th, he posted on the 27th. We are truly in sync with each other.
So here is my video, then go over and look at the Paleo egg rolls.
Then go get yourself a snack, cause I’ll betcha you’ll be hungry afterwards…
I only wish i had some turkey skin to fry. Also if you want to kick it up a notch try frying it in bacon fat. Mmmmmm. Good post as usual!