A Short Review: Falling Skies Season 3, Episode 1 (and a Rant)

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I’ve been a fan of post apocalyptic fiction for as long as I can recall. Mad Max was a phenomenal story to me. Hell, I even liked The Postman and Waterworld, though both were a wee bit on the long-winded side. (What is it about Kevin Kostner and long movies?)

So when this genre hits TV, I have to give it a try to see how it is. I LOVED Jericho, but hated Revolution. (Seriously, disarming the entire US population, AFTER society breaks down? I don’t think so.)  And The Walking Dead is pure genius, if you ask me.

falling skiesFalling Skies is now in it’s third season. Falling Skies tells the story of the aftermath of a global invasion by extraterrestrials. It follows the  2nd Massachusetts Militia Regiment as they fight the aliens and try to find a way to overcome the overwhelming odds.

Season three is a turning point. A new breed of aliens have appeared and have offered their assistance. The timeline is now 7 months from the last episode, and a lot has changed.

I’m going to stop right there. Almost everything else I would say is a spoiler, and I think the show is worthy watching. However, I have a problem with the characters.

The fight has been going on for about two years now. The survivors should have, by now, developed a level of trust with each other that defies most petty issues. The problems in this episode are starting to develop from one simply cause – lack of communication. Some of the characters are hiding information that would change everything, yet they try to hide what they know will eventually come out. Not only do I find this to be unreasonable in the development of these characters, I find this to be a stupid thing.

Yet, very common in everyday life. So many problems stem from lack of communication. The simple act of telling someone your point of view, and the person being to to listen, would solve many of this worlds problems. Why do you think shrinks get paid so much to listen? It is important!

Go watch the show, then tell me if I’m right or not. True, it wouldn’t be as fun to watch if everyone shared all the important details, but realistically, why wouldn’t they, given the situation?

Grrrrrrrr….It’s just so frustrating.

Good story though, go watch it. Then let me know what you think.


But seriously, a week old baby talking, but telling no one? BS!


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  1. We have Series 1 & 2 on our hard drive (no cable, so we watch movies and tv from an external hard drive connected to the tv but thats besides the point) I absolutely love this show, and have been awaiting the new series…though from what your saying, it seems to be getting a bit on he weird side. Though all I can say is thanks for this post as it lets me now the new season is back..yay

  2. I tried following Falling Skies for awhile but it became too much like a Sci-Fi soap opera for my taste. That would explain the communication cliff hangers. For me and my Clan, can’t wait for the return of The Walking Dead.

    1. I’m a big Walking Dead fan myself.

      I just watched a couple more episodes of Falling Skies, and in a survival scene, Tom Mason was using a fire plow to make a fire – a sound friction fire method. I was happy to see it…until his efforts burst into flames.
      Dammit, friction fire doesn’t work that way! I thought I was watching an episode of Man vs. Wild…what a bunch of BS.

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