Revisting our “Free Food” volunteer tomato patch

I wrote about our patch of tomatoes that overran my pepper plants, and have mentioned them from time to time since then. Yesterday, I went out and picked all of the ripe fruit from both the volunteer tomatoes, as well as those from the black cherry tomato plants I planted. I was shocked to see […]

Preventing chickens from flying (or jumping fences)

My chickens like to stray from time to time, jumping into the adjacent lot. Most times I don’t mind…much, but in truth, I’d prefer they’d just stay in the yard. I cannot afford a taller fence, so the next option is to eliminate the birds ability to clear a 4 foot fence. Since chickens are […]

‘There May Be Hope Yet’ Revisted or “Girls Hunting Squirrels”

This will be brief, as I don’t have much to add to this that wasn’t said in the content I received. I spoke before of the sisters that harvested the squirrel in their back yard. The younger of the two wanted to harvest her own squirrel, and has been prowling around since then. These pictures […]

Tomolives, Pickled Green Tomatoes, or “What to do with excess veggies”

Late last summer, I had a bid of a personal riddle: I hate waste. Growing things in a garden has been a battle for each veggie produced. Somehow I had a glut of green cherry tomatoes as I was about to clear a bed in order to plant fall crops. And in my typical fashion, […]