How to Open a Brown Coconut

I’ve covered opening green coconuts, and briefly touched on opening browns ones in the comments on the same post, but recently my friend James over at Survival Punk made coconut bars and had an adventure getting the coconut open and the meat out. Apparently, this + this = the need for this. 🙂 Doing what I can […]

Thrifty Food Buy and Uses for 15 August 2012

This is my only “regular” weekly post, and it revolves around stores in my area, and food that we eat. We practice “Eat what you store, store what you eat”. Since I try to eat “Paleo”, this means very little food that includes any grains, legumes, or refined sugars. This week, a little change, I […]

Quick Dehydrator Biltong

Biltong is a cousin of jerky, but incorporates vinegar into the process, and omits nitrates and nitrites, common preservatives found in jerky, at least today’s version. Another difference is that biltong is typically not smoked, something I thought I would miss. I don’t, though I would like to try a bit of smoked biltong eventually. […]

Revisiting an Old Friend – Home built Wooden Pirogue (Cheap Canoe)

I was stumbling around Green Deane’s forum, and ran across a post regarding pirogues, or flat bottom canoes made famous in Cajun country. It brought back memories of one I built during some down time right after a hurricane hit us, and we were sitting around waiting for civilization to get started back up.

Canning rabbit

I’ve had a VERY productive year raising my New Zealand/AlTex cross meat rabbits. Not that I should be surprised, they ARE rabbits. And since I’ve packed my tiny freezer full of rib eye steaks, I’m kind of low on available storage for animal protein. A perfect chance to try out the same method of preserving […]

Hurricane Prep, Day 4 – Happy Wife, Happy Life!

Tonight, while making dinner, the wife and I got into a discussion that was heading into argument. I realized it was a no-win, and acquiesced (to the Dallas hillbilly, that means I caved in).  Shifting gears to not think about the conversation, I started to try, yet again, to come up with today’s post. And the answer […]