Our First Month of Homeschooling

(This is another guest post by my wife, eb. Let her know if you liked it, so she’ll keep writing for FloridaHillbilly!) In mid-December, we, as a family, decided to homeschool our 9 year old daughter.  DB wrote about the thought process and how this came about in an earlier post. As a quick recap, […]

Fishing Manners

Each morning, I go through the emails that have accumulated overnight, at least the ones where I’m a subscriber. Green Deane’s newsletter, Survival Punk, GunsAmerica Blog, The Survival Podcast, and others all post regularly, and I look forward to seeing what they have to say. This morning, I was reading another such newsletter from The […]

Revisiting My choice in animals for “Urbansteading”

This is a repost of one of my first articles. I’ve gotten a lot of questions as to why I’ve chosen these, so thought I’d repost it to get it out there again.   Living 5o feet from another family makes certain choices VERY important. Your TV volume, height of your fence, amount of clothing […]

Homeschooling, Day One or ‘How We Got Here’

My first exposure to homeschooling was my senior year in high school. A new girl joined us at the beginning of the year, and when I got to know her, I found she was a local, and had been in the area her entire life.  She, along with her siblings, had been home schooled. I […]

SALESMAN OF THE YEAR – An Opinion on Gun Control

I was working on a post when I stumbled upon an article that not only caught my attention, I couldn’t stop reading it. The author was well versed in what he spoke about, and what he wasn’t an expert on, he didn’t offer any input – he wasn’t going to “guess”.  The article is steeped […]