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Although not required, I would also appreciate the addition of the following attribution and bio in whole or in part.
db is a self-employed father of three, living with his wife and two youngest girls along the coast in south Florida. He devotes his time to his family and trying to make them more self-sufficient, from building a fire to turning rabbit manure into basil and sweet potatoes.
To read more from db, visit his website,FloridaHillbilly. You can also follow FloridaHillbilly on Facebook, subscribe to my feed, follow me on Twitter, Pinterest, and/or tell your friends!
For additional information, feel to email me at
We are a year old in the rabbit business. We also love,enjoy, and consume our rabbits,ducks and chickens. Would love any sausage on jerky recipes you might have and care to share.
I use of the shelf jerky mixes. They have done all of the hard work, and have decent products…..although I normally add a bit more black pepper…or red…