I’ve covered opening green coconuts, and briefly touched on opening browns ones in the comments on the same post, but recently my friend James over at Survival Punk made coconut bars and had an adventure getting the coconut open and the meat out.
Apparently, this + this = the need for this.
Doing what I can to help a brother out, here is a full video run down of how I open coconuts to get the meat and water out, safely.
James, try this, it works for me….though I’ll admit I have a large collection of scars form other things I do..it happens.
Excellent tutorial. Especially the the camera POV. Some like to punch a hole in that eye and pour the water out before breaking it apart. You’re less likely to lose water if you don’t have a large container to catch it. Didn’t know about that freezer part. Keep those coming.
Thanks, RR. I’ll do what I can to teach you something once in a while in order to try to repay you for what you’ve taught me over the years
Awesome video DB. Next time I’m totally doing the freezer trick. Also I have found since I put the left over meat in the freezer eating frozen coconut meat is an awesome cold treat. Kinda like a ice cream only way better for you. Thanks for the tips
Each time we throw something out there and it helps someone, it helps us all. Glad to be a part of that positive cycle.
Excellent tutorial. Thank you so much! I will use this method for the rest of my life.