This is the last entry for “Hurricane Prep Week”. There are an unlimited amount of things I could write about regarding getting ready for a hurricane and its aftermath. Generators, tarps, storing important documents, food, etc., are handy, but I don’t think those things are as important as the non-material preps you should be working on every day.
Humans are a social animal, and even a paranoid, non-social person like myself (yes, I consider myself non-social) (ok, and paranoid) needs human interaction in good times and bad. There is no person capable of getting along running solo for more than a short period of time. In trying times, everyone will require interaction with other humans, be it barter, aid, or companionship. To steal a phrase, “No man is an island”. And this leads me to the last thing I wish to get you thinking about, your circle of human interaction.
One of the things I like least about living in Florida is that there is very little sense of community. It may just be a localized thing, but since much of this state is made of of people from “somewhere else”, not knowing your neighbors is not uncommon.
I know my neighbors, maybe not to the point that we hang out on weekends, but I’ve made it very clear to all of my immediate neighbors (and a few down the street) that if they need anything, don’t hesitate to ask me, and I ALWAYS wave when I see them, if not stop and chat a bit. Much like family, you cannot choose your family, may as well get used to them, you are stuck with each other.
You might want to go get to know your neighbors a little better. If you have a tree crash through your roof during a storm, who is the closest humans to be able to help you? Your neighbors. Let them know that in trying times, you are there to help them. If you offer, human nature will more than likely make them step up if you are in need as well. Good will tends to breed more good will.
I have some neighbors that were recently out of town for a couple weeks. I noticed their lawn getting long, so I paid Scott to run over to cut their grass, making the place looked more lived in. Those that know me should find that funny ( I know Scott did), since my yard ALWAYS looks overgrown and about one car on blocks away from being a scene out of “The Dancing Outlaw“. But it was the neighborly thing to do, something I refer to as a “karma payment”. And, I’m certain if I ever need any assistance, they’d be more than happy to oblige. …not that I’d ask
On to your friends…the people you hang out with due to some common interest. Have you ever spoken to them about helping out in time of need? You should. Let them know if they ever need anything, you are there for them. Most of my friends know that short of burying a (nother) body, I’m good for whatever you need. And for a few, I’d get the shovel out again. And I know they’d be there for me, some already have been, and in truth, those are debts I’ll never be able to repay.
Think about it, a time of great stress, and someone comes along and out of their concern for you, have offered some form of assistance that changed your life for the better, be it a ride from a place to stay when you’ve lost everything (twice :P), a loan to cover your financial ineptitude, or helping your wife when you are too far away to help her yourself. These are all things I feel I will always owe on, no matter how many times I’ve returned the favor back to them in some way.
So I’m going to call this one FHB Tip #2 – Start building relationships with those around you. It will make you a better person, and be more prepared for emergencies, both big and small. The cost is almost nothing, and the rewards are beyond price in some cases. Continue the trend, and I promise you it will come back to repay you, with interest, possibly the best investment of your life.
I hope you never have to use anything I’ve spoken about this week. When reading about the CDC’s Zombie Prep campaign, they stated that if you are ready for a Zombie Apocalypse, you are ready for anything. If you are ready for a hurricane, well that will cover quite a bit of lesser situations. “Get a kit, make a plan, and be prepared”, as they said regarding the zombies….
But it’s all up to you to DO IT. I tell my girls all the time, “I’d rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it”.
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