I ran into this monstrosity in my back yard a while back.
And he was mighty intimidating, I can tell you. I got as close as I was able to get a good picture, and still not anger him.
OK, most of you won’t fall for it. A chick change of perspective, and things don’t look as menacing.
All of a sudden I’m not so scared.
Where I going is this, if you don’t like how a situation is going, change the way you look at it, and it can be easier to manage. Not always, I realize, but it is possible that a change of perspective can make an unbearable situation into something almost enjoyable.
AS an example, I hate commuting to other places to get to work. An hour driving with snowbirds and retired folks sharing the road with me can be VERY frustrating. For years, I fretted over having to make a drive to get to a job.
Then I realized I could listen to audio books to pass the time. I later discovered podcasts, so I turned my trips into a chance to improve myself by learning. Now I look forward to making those very same road trips. The same trip, just a different point of view.
This will be a short post. We are currently in another tornado watch due to getting side-swiped by TS Isaac. He’s been kind enough to dump several inches of rain on us, as well as making the power go in and out. And while I could fire up the genny to keep the power going for the computer and internet connections…the kids would want the TV on as well, so we’ve been hibernating, reading most of the day. I took the bad weather and possible calamity and turned into a peaceful, relaxing day. Changed out POV!
We had the opportunity to have a camping dinner of cold leftovers (it included smoked rabbit from SB) while sitting in the dark with the lanterns going. My youngest daughter summed it all up by saying “Dad, this is fun, this isn’t anything to worry about”. My reply was, “That’s because we work hard to prepare for moments like this, so we don’t have to worry.”
I hope this changes at least one reader’s point of view.
This article is 100% win! Neat bug too.
And the good news – the weather alert radio only woke us up once last night…and we lived
The podcast thing is right-on. I use to have an hour drive to work one way. Podcasts kept me sane. And like you I kinda enjoyed those long drives. It gave me a chance to “think”.
What lantern is that your using in the pic?
Brian, what podcasts do you listen to? If you are paranoid, email me, I’m good with that. Personally (and in no order), I like Jack Spirko, though he gets old after a couple of episodes back to back. I also like Tim & Liz at Nature’s Harmony, now part of Farm Dreams. Tim was a corporate guy that has turned to farming, stating outright that he doesn’t have a clue. I love that. My third is “In the Rabbit Hole” with Aaron and Jonathon. Good info there, well organized, and again, they state they don’t have a clue at times when they don’t
What lantern is that? Good question! And now I have tonight’s post!
I’ll write it up tonight….thanks for the idea
I’m a finance nerd, so I listen to Market Foolery, Dave Ramsey, and The Motley Fool. And a few internet marketing podcasts. I will definitely check those out…I’m always on the look for good ones.
And I’m already on watch-lists so no biggy…LOL
We just bought a small wind up lantern to give away. It’s pretty neat little lantern for light in a pinch. The one you have there in the pic is much brighter, but I assume it takes batteries? I’ll wait for the post..;-)
Here is the lantern review!