Nothing written today, mostly because I needed my sleep last night. I did want to tell everyone that I’ve
A man’s entitled to certain days off every year…if he doesn’t TAKE them, they won’t be given to him.
I might have something written for tomorrow, it just depends on how today goes…
Hope it’s a good day fishing. Totally envy you,
Even if its a bad day of fishing, its still a good day…
Hoping for it to be much like this one was:
Enjoy your day buddy. I am glad you were born. Remember, a bad day fishing still kinda sucks.
Well, it might suck a little…that’s why I plan on bringing the pole spear. Pole spears don’t require hungry fish to fill a stringer!
It’s almost as affective as dynamite, and just about as fun, too!
Best post in a long time. ;P
Wow, and it got your best comment in a long time!