Plans for 2012

The Mayans predict the end of the word, depending on who’s version of the spin you read.

Even if it doesn’t, I’ve grown to believe that the only person or entity that really cares about my well-being is ME. So I try to keep as much control over my life as possible. This year looks to be a busy one for my family, even though I don’t believe the world will end. Just in case.

(For those who care, it’s supposed to be Dec. 21, 2012, and if it doesn’t happen, I’ll still have time to shop for Christmas :P)

What I have in mind (and am writing down for the first time- hold me accountable please!):

1. Install my solar panel and get a small-scale 12v system up and running in my shed. I have most of the parts, just need to get it started.
2. A small pond. I’ve recently acquired some young Muscovys, and would like for them to have some water to play in, though I know its not a strict requirement. If its big enough, tilapia as well.
3. Bamboo! It’s a grass! It’s a tree! It’s a cover hedge! It’s $1 per tomato stake when I buy it, and that chaps me! My requirements: Clumping. Not too tall. Drought resistant. Thrives on neglect. Leaves pass as dollar bills.
4. Permaculture. Fruit trees! Avocados! Grape vines! The gifts that just keep on giving, season after season.
5. Solar hot water and an outside shower.
6. Grow my own mushrooms. For eating. The non-hallucinogenic kind. I’ve got enough issues being clean and sober every day. But I REALLY like cooking with mushrooms!
7. Find more vegetables that will grow in the summer in zone 9b+. So far its been pretty ugly trying to grow what I consider “conventional” summer crops here. I’m finding that tropicals are a good option. Just need to research more!

There are more things I want to accomplish, but are small items, add more compost to my beds, add an herb box, etc. These seven will keep me busy….along with the curves that life throws just when things start to run smoothly.


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