Friday, Friday, Friday! By the time you are reading this, I’ll be out on the Atlantic Ocean fishing, as I collect on one of my “Karma dividends”. I helped out some friends, and they are taking me fishing. Treating people like you care (well, I do!) pays off in the long run, and allows me to sleep at night. I would classify that as a self-sufficiency move, effort on my part gets me included in a harvest of wild food. Sweeeeet! It’s a well known fact of my friends and family that “Fish Control My Brain”.
It seems that every week, we, the common people, get squeezed a little more, on one side is the income production shrinking, on the other is the outlay (government taxes & restriction, corporations calling the shots to increase prices, and everything else that bleeds money out of our pockets). While we’ve (almost) made it through another month, the grind starts again on 1 May, so get ready for it!
Go out and take a little control of your life back – plant a seed to cut your food costs, buy some extra food, make an electronic copy of all your important papers to email to yourself (free online storage!), or something else to improve your situation should the unexpected happen. Everything you do to improve that standing is pressure relief on your life. Something I read today fits this idea, “Gardening is cheaper than therapy, and it provides tomatoes”. PLANT A SEED! db
Here are some articles I’ve stumbled upon that I found interesting.
Following in the same thought process as my intro, check this out:
Nature Deficit Disorder
The United Kingdom’s National Trust released a report saying children are losing contact with nature at a “dramatic” rate, causing their health and education to suffer.
The Natural Childhood Report (pdf) exhibits the symptoms of a modern phenomenon known as “Nature Deficit Disorder”. The phrase was coined by author Richard Louv in 2005. Louv argued that “the human cost of alienation from nature” was evident in the “diminished use of the senses, attention difficulties and higher rates of physical and emotional illnesses.”
Shooting of Home Invader by Elderly Occupant Validates Marriage of Firearms and Castle Doctrine
It seems that some lawmakers are starting to realize the importance of allowing us to defend ourselves…just like our Forefathers wanted us to do back when they made the Second Amendment.
Video: Two Turkeys with One Shot
This has got to be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in a hunting video. Two birds with one stone has been around for a looooong time. This guy does two birds with one ARROW!
Video: California Man Nearly Walks Into Bear While Texting
Walking up on a bear is possible, sure…but in a CA suburb?
Bank of America Doesn’t Want McMillan’s Business
BoA has been pissing me off for years. Reading this makes me want to go open an account just to close the stupid thing….
“What you are going to tell me is that because we are in the firearms manufacturing business you no longer what my business.”
“That is correct”
And the follow-up interview here
Video of Flint Tipped Bullets in Action
They opened with enough to get me to read it all and watch the video. I took notes….
Here is a really interesting video of some .308cal hollow point projectiles drilled out to accept zippo flints. I have never seen this before, but I think it is really interesting. These are essentially a poor man’s version of an incendiary round that almost anyone can make at home.
Is the economy bad?? Read this:
Albertsons Closing Most Florida Stores
Think the economy isn’t bad? Why would a food chain close its doors? FOOD! The one thing guaranteed to sell…think about it.
LAKELAND | Albertsons continues to fade in Florida.
The Boise, Idaho-based supermarket chain plans to close 13 of its 17 remaining stores in Florida by June 9 and will cease operations at a distribution center in Plant City, according to spokeswoman Christine Wilcox.
Look, another one:
New “PowerPot” Can Cook Food and Double as a Portable Electric Generator
Power Practical, a Salt Lake City start-up, has developed a game-changer for off-grid living and recreation. Simply put, the PowerPot transforms heat from a fire into electricity. This new take on a lightweight backpacking pot will provide electricity anywhere, anytime, using any fuel, such as propane, gas, or open wood fires.
Skyrocketing Gun Sales in Texas Reflect Nationwide Trend
Anyone that’s been to a gun show would know this…so many guns are just impossible to find!
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) says 11 million guns were sold in 2011. That same year, the FBI conducted 16.5 million firearm background checks, that’s more than double the amount sold in 2001, and 2 million more than in 2010, the previous year. According to available information, gun sales continue to rise at an unprecedented rate.
Why am I glad I dropped out of college and never finishing my journalism major? Storie like this one:
CNBC and the Battle Over the Remington 700
Read it through, worth a read. The moral of the story is: Never believe a paid expert on the stand. Or believe the media…
Ted Nugent Pleads Guilty to Illegally Killing Black Bear
I love this guy. A rock and roll icon that loves to hunt and fish more than I do. And when he screws up, he mans up and takes his lumps. In his defense, the rules that got him in trouble are far different than what I’m used to. Apparently, in Alaska, a wounded animal that gets away is the same as harvesting an animal. It leaves the freezer empty, and the way I’ve understood it (at least in WV where I’ve done the majority of my hunting), while unfortunate to have an animal escape, that does not equal a harvest. Also, from what I’ve seen of the Nuge, he doesn’t miss…maybe taking his lumps is his way of paying penance for missing.
Following up on a celebrity hunting reg issue is this story about poaching that makes me state again that life is not fair:
Independent “Hipster” Filmmakers Illegally Kill Two Deer On-Set
These guy FILMED their violation and are only “under investigation”. What crap. At least the director says this, “We are idiots. We didn’t know how to do this [hunting] stuff”. These folks should fry like the deer on their open fire did. If you read the previous story, you’ll see that Ted did…
And finally, if you’ve read through my blog and are looking for more reading, go checkout The call themselves “Facebook for farmers”. They cover all the topics I do, as well as a LOT more. Their “groups” section will overwhelm you with the vast amount of input from farmers, homesteaders, preppers, gardeners, survivalists, minimalists, and dozens of other self-sufficient folks like you and me. You can find me there as “FloridaHillbilly”, of course.
Have a great weekend, I plan on doing the same. I have to go now, the fish are calling my name