I work on the road, and have some tricky diet requirements. I eat “Paleo”, meaning that I consume zero grains, legume,s or refined sugars. Try finding fast food that doesn’t have any of that. So I tend to carry things along to get me through the day. Nuts, fruits, sliced cucumbers, or rabbit jerky have all been part of my daily brown bag lunch.
But with the limiting diet, I can get bored sometimes. So when SB made me the smoked rabbit, the wheels started turning. Smoked rabbit is pretty close to jerky, at least in flavor. While it does contain some salt, smoked rabbit doesn’t have any nitrites – a good thing for anyone’s diet. But it does have a lot of flavor…so I got to thinking about it.
Recently, BlueTang offered to smoke a couple rabbits, and I obliged. He also eats Paleo and works on the road, so we often compare notes on options for lunch. I hadn’t mentioned my plan, just in case it failed. (We fish together, and ANY sign of weakness or failure on a fishing buddy’s part can make for some grueling fishing trips- I wanted to limit his ammo against me).
It turns out, BlueTang and SB have vastly different smoking equipment and techniques. Poor me, I
get have to try both end products. (I win! Both are excellent! ) BT wanted me to taste test his first attempt, so we tried a few bites. When we were done there was only a single rear leg left of the first rabbit I guess it passed!
I took the remaining rabbit home, quartered it, vac sealed each leg separately, sealed the two loins together, and then froze them all. Today, I pulled out the frozen loins and it became today’s lunch.
The verdict?
I now have an additional option for road food, Paleo style. That makes me happy. And you don’t have to eat like a caveman to enjoy it, either.
And you can tell BT that my plan worked!
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