Look at this picture. I took this while camping, somewhere in the Georgia mountains from the base of Amicalola Falls. The location was a state park, our camp was back behind the top of the falls.
This picture has frozen for all eternity (at least until the data is lost) a slice of time. The water you see here has long since run down to the ocean, evaporated, and been dropped again, probably hundreds of times. The leaves you see are long decomposed, and probably many of the plants as well. This is wonderful view, but only shows a two dimensional image of the efforts that were put into that moment.
What it doesn’t show is the 425 steps that my wife and kids descended…It doesn’t show the 3 year old that only made it about 25 steps down, or the 6 year old that made it down without help…but not back up. It also doesn’t show the 700+ miles we had driven since leaving home to get there, the planning, or the effort in just finding the place.
But it sure is lovely to look at, isn’t it?
Life is like that from time to time. We see a snapshot of something, and appreciate it, fear it, long for it, or hate it. However, only seeing the frozen moment doesn’t do it or ourselves justice….
….or tell the entire story
Take this picture for example:
This was taken around 735am Saturday the 20th, 2013. A peaceful outline of a cormorant resting on a channel marker.
As I drifted closer, the bird spooked and took off…as I continued to take pictures……yielding this:
A great picture, I believe. When I thought that I actually snapped off a shot as the bird launched into flight, I stopped to see if I was correct…..
What this picture doesn’t see is when the bird flew across the front of my kayak.
This picture doesn’t show is what it ate for dinner last night.
Or the fact that as it quartered across my kayak, it dumped the previous day’s meal across the top of my kayak…
What is my point? I didn’t really have one, I just found the situation rather funny…..but if I needed to come up with something, I guess it would be,
“Just when life looks picturesque, watch out, because the shit is about to start.“
Have a great day/night/evening/morning!
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