You’ve probably heard of the health benefits of coconuts, but did you realize they also have the power to improve your social life?
Last week, SB hooked me up with a couple dozen young, green coconuts, and I tossed them into the back of my truck. While they probably should be put into a less harsh environment, I just left them there, as I figured the wife can’t complain as long as I don’t bring a pile of coconuts into her house.
I eat them fairly quickly, so they shouldn’t last out the week, but you can see the sun and heat is already taking their tole on the coconuts. And EVERYONE can easily see them, apparently.
They’ve been in my truck for about three days now, and I’ve had multiple people approach me to talk about them.
The first person was driving down the local 6-lane artery we call US1, a rather busy road. I saw him dodge several cars weaving in and out of traffic, and I just thought he was in a hurry. But when he pulled up next to me at a red light, he rolled down his passenger side window… talk about my coconuts!
He wanted to know what I was doing with them, if I just drank the water, or if I also ate the meat inside. He then mentioned how much he loved eating them as a kid, how he’d should get some for himself, and where did I get mine??? I told him a friend who had been holding them for me, and he nodded. Then the light turned red, and I pulled away. And he resumed driving normally, no longer speeding or cutting through traffic.
I thought to myself, “Odd…that doesn’t happen very often, now, does it???”
Wrong answer, apparently.
Yesterday, as I stopped to pick up some supplies for work, a pool guy walked in and asked who had all the coconuts in the truck outside. I spoke up, and we started talking about coconuts. He was from the northeast, and was new to Florida. He and his family always loved coconuts, but never had any with the husk on since they didn’t know how to open them.
So I took him out to my truck and walked him through the process. I gave him a cup of the water to enjoy while I stepped through removing the husk. I passed around the fresh meat, and he thanked me for my time. Before he left, I gave him a couple to take home to his family.
Thanks to SB, I was a minor hero.
That was pretty cool, but what are the odds of it happening again?
Pretty good, I found out.
Leaving a store later that evening as I was leaving a store, I notice a pretty little Asian woman standing near my truck. As soon as I saw here, I knew what she was doing.
As I got close, she hesitatingly approached me, and in broken English, said that I had some very nice coconuts, and could she have four? I can’t lie that her looks affected my answer.
We exchanged niceties, then haggled a bit…and she thanked me profusely as she went home with five. As I pulled away, I texted SB and thanked him for all of the social interactions I’d had from carrying around his coconuts.
I wonder who I’ll talk to today about coconuts…
And yes, there are lots of crude jokes to be told, but I’ll save them for another time…
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Hi db! How funny that the first thing I asked you about today was our coconut palms. So I finally made it here to comment and ask about the dreaded White Fly. Can’t wait to read back through more of your blog!
I’m now researching white fly solutions since we talked about it. Stay tuned for an article about them, hopefully.
I have become such a fan of this blog. You never fail to leave me in stitches. I myself am waiting for my neighbors 50+ foot tall mango to start shedding fruit. I am looking forward to an update on your aquaponics endeavor. I am starting a 4 IBC system myself. Keep it coming.
Thanks for stopping by and the kind words.
My aquaponics seems to have failed, at least as far as raising the fish goes. I have grown some decent lettuce, but the fish have all disappeared somehow. I wanted to use IBCs, but never found a good source that was affordable (I’m too frugal to pay much for them). Let me know how your setup works, I know it can be done, but I have a limited amount of time to commit to my backyard adventures.
A quick update. I just got quizzed by the teller at my bank about the coconuts in the back of my truck…and ended up giving her 5 green coconuts