Trust No One, Even Me

Let’s call this one the FloridaHillbilly Official Disclaimer Post. Yesterday, I posted about making cheese from rabbit milk. I don’t know if I should be humbled by the fact that everyone believed I could (and would) do it, or annoyed that everyone that read it took it at face value.

laughingToday is April 2, 2013, making yesterday, April 1st. I’ve developed a habit of questioning everything I read, PARTICULARLY on that day. Yesterday’s article was written as a joke, though my background research did prove that milking rabbits is possible, and that milking rabbits is even being done on a commercial scale, but NOT to make cheese.

But I never even tried to milk a rabbit. The thought popped into my head while reading about the donkey cheese (a true story) that DID lead me to reading about pig milk being marketed, a story I found intriguing…until I saw a comment about the date it was posted. It was a simple jump to doing a rabbit cheese write-up. I apologize, but it WAS April Fool’s Day.

This leads me to the point of this article, trusted sources. Whom do you trust for information, and why? Did you know that Wikipedia is NOT allowed as a reference point for many school papers? The reason? Anyone can edit the data it contains. It is a rather simple process to edit a page to make your incorrect test answers appear to be fact. It usually gets changed back relatively quickly, but it would exist long enough to fool some folks.

I see the lack of fact checking all the time. Presidential birth certificates, survival show hosts not having the background credentials they say they have (I still love the guy, and will miss him on the show), drug-enhanced athletes (McGuire, Armstrong), it happens all over the place.

That’s it. Check your facts. And I promise you’ll STILL get tricked… I get it too, from time to time.The good news is that with the Internet, you have an almost unlimited resource to find the truth. USE it. I just hope it is something as simple as rabbit cheese, not “FEMA will save us!”

Also, take whatever I say with a grain of salt. Other than International Prank Day, I always try to tell it like it is, how I see it, how I did it, and sometimes add in that it may not work for you. This is about what has and is working for me. As they say, “Your Mileage May Vary”. And if you see me stepping out of line, doing something dumb, or misquoting something, TELL ME! I am human, and have made mistakes. Probably will gain. It happnes. (See?)

Let me close with a little ink to a fun site I found years ago that stresses how easy it is to do research on your own (And thanks to BlueTang, have recently rediscovered Click this link to test)

Yes, I am a prankster. Life is short, go have fun!


 As always, please “like” FloridaHillbilly on Facebook, subscribe to my feed,  follow me on Twitter, add it to Google+, Pinterest, Linkdn, Digg, and/or tell your friends! The more folks that start thinking for themselves, the fewer mindless sheep we’ll have thinking that the world is flat.

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  1. Your rabbit story reminded me of a show on the Simpsons where it showed they were milking rats and giving it to the kids to drink so I thought ah ha you must be kind of like those peeps ha ha

  2. Congratulations! I bit, hook, line, and sinker. I thought that it was lot of work for a few grams of cheese. I love your blog and check it every day.

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