I have been making kefir for the last week, and one of the things to do with it is to ferment it a day with only the kefir grains and sugar water, then a second day with fruit added to make a fizzy, fruit-flavored drink.
Today, I took two large sliced of dehydrated mango and dropped it into the jar to add flavor. I just tasted it and it was very nice.
Liz saw it, and disgusted, said, “What the hell is THAT?”
Without missing a beat, I replied “Beef tongue, and its GREAT!”
I though she was going to gag as I handed her the glass to try it
FWIW, the girl is game…she believed that it WAS beef tongue floating in a jar that I was storing in the fridge (I have a history of doing odd things around here, so it was a possibility).
She went ahead and tasted it, and promptly spit it out into the sink, STILL thinking it was beef tongue water
After I wiped the tears from my eyes, I told her the truth…she tasted it again, and said, “I thought it tasted too fruity to be beef tongue”.
Like she’s ever tasted beef tongue
LOL… That is classic. Awesome brother… tears in my eyes… You are one fortunate man to have a woman like that.
And she keeps putting up with it…that’s the amazing part!