Today’s sponsor is slightly ironic, since I received a phone call from them today, and this article is based around them and the results of that phone call.
SB knows what my interests are, and he does a lot of the same things that BlueTang does to me – gets me interested in something off-the-wall, gives me just enough push, then steps back to watch what happens. I’ve talked with both SB and BT about this, and while they’ve not met each other yet, they both agree that had I grown up with either of them one or two of us would have been dead a long time ago.
But isn’t that what good friends are for? I have a good friend that I grew up with, and we both enabled each other to get into all manner of mischief. The worst thing that resulted was a couple divorces (we hooked each other up with our future ex wives), and 6 stitches over my left eye. Because of those close calls, if either called the other in the middle of the night, we’d drop everything and drive 10 hours to help. (I’m actually surprised as I write this to think I’ve not told and stories about him. I need to fix that.)
Sorry, rambling. Where was I? Ah, yes, Good Friends.
SB knows my infatuation with coconuts. He recently provided me with a good start on my summer harvest, all from the trees in his yard. He likes coconuts, but his complaint is that they are so much work to get into. He was completely stoked about the CocoDrill that I reviewed last week, and has already ordered his own.
So when he heard that his mother in law was about to have her coconut palms trimmed of all of those nasty nuts, he stepped in and made a request for me. He then called me and let me know when and where to find this:
So like any little boy looking at one of his favorite things to eat, I piled too much on to my proverbial plate.
And ended up with this (scroll down):
I sent this pic to SB, and he promptly responded with:
“Are you just trying to pick up Asian chicks? Too bad we don’t have a Chinatown close!” (Read this for an explanation)
I laughed so hard I gave myself a headache.
Needless to say, I have a few coconut related projects in my near future.
The first is “How to hide 150 coconuts from my wife”.
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What a score. I know where you can unload any of those you can’t use.
We might be able to manage something…for you.
There has to be at the very least, an Asian food store nearby. I bet they would take some off your hands too.
I found some uses for these orbs of goodness. Most of which I’ll be trying this week. I tend to like my alcohol beverages simple with very few ingredients. Basically, if you have a favorite drink that you ad a splash of water to, coconut water will make it that much better. Here are a couple links for coconut water infused drinks.
I LOVE homework!
You know where I live & what kind of storage space I have… we’ve also got a nice big trailer that will hold ~2400lbs of stuff