In the March 2012 issue, there is an article talking about UN-natural selection in bass fishing, and how there are fish that are more prone to being caught based on genetic markers, and when you catch all the “easy” fish, you are left with hard-to-catch ones that get to pass on their hard-to-catch traits.
Why Bass Get Caught | Outdoor Life.
An interesting side note regarding printed media vs. online sources….
Notice the article is in this month’s printed issue…yet the article online was written in April 2009.
I know the postal service can be slow, but this is getting ridiculous…
Also proves that printed materials are a dying media platform for certain markets.
It would be interesting to know which specific types of fishes that have identifiable appearances to determine its level of difficulty in catching. I’m no fisherman but that sparks an interest in me. Although I don’t see anything wrong with that kind of fishing.
I know people that can catch a fish in a bathtub. Folks like me have a hard time in a place teeming with fish. Catchability has a lot to do with the fisherman as well as the species.