I Tried Using Cast Nets for Food, Not Bait

I went to the beach this morning to try my hand at cast-netting some dinner. (Green Deane made it sound easier than I found it to be.) A cast net is a round net with a collar in the center of it, a heavy line stitched to the perimeter, and lines running from the perimeter through […]

Salt – An Over-looked long term storable and Brining 101

I gave a whole rabbit to SB a week or so ago, and he let me know a few days later that he ended up smoking it whole – something I’ve not yet tried, but wanted to do. One of the things that I was concerned with is that rabbit, being a rather lean meat (but not […]

How to Open a Brown Coconut

I’ve covered opening green coconuts, and briefly touched on opening browns ones in the comments on the same post, but recently my friend James over at Survival Punk made coconut bars and had an adventure getting the coconut open and the meat out. Apparently, this + this = the need for this. 🙂 Doing what I can […]

Pork Fat Rules! or “How to Render Your Own Lard”

Paleo gold! Well..how about ivory? Whatever, its TASTY stuff that I’ve been trying to get my hands on for a while. Yes, I know you can buy it at any grocery store around here. But did you know every can I’ve looked at in every store in three counties all contain “BHA and BHT” ? […]

Thrifty Food Buys for 31`July 2012

This weekly post will revolve around stores in my area, and food that we eat. Saving money by buying in bulk is no good if you are storing food you will never eat. “Eat what you store, store what you eat” will be my guidelines. Since I try to eat “Paleo”, this means very little […]

Quick Dehydrator Biltong

Biltong is a cousin of jerky, but incorporates vinegar into the process, and omits nitrates and nitrites, common preservatives found in jerky, at least today’s version. Another difference is that biltong is typically not smoked, something I thought I would miss. I don’t, though I would like to try a bit of smoked biltong eventually. […]

New Weekly Feature, Thrifty Food Buys for 18 July 2012

(yeah, the name sucks, got a better one, send me an email) I just realized I had yet another Wednesday night conflict – my next post, or go through the flyers posted tonight to see what I’ll be trying to stockpile for a rainy day. Then it hit me, why not

Update: Eating Lionfish may be dangerous

(6 July 2012 EDIT: Please note there has been an update to this issue posted – click here to read) As a point of reference, today is 3 July 2012. Remember the lionfish post or the spearfishing post? Bad news, campers! I was finishing up today’s post regarding a kayaking trip when RidgeRunner sent me an […]