With the current news, I thought it would be a timely topic to write about guns vs. butter.
From Wikipedia:
In macroeconomics, the guns versus butter model is an example of a simple production possibility frontier. It demonstrates the relationship between a nation’s investment in defense and civilian goods. In this example, a nation has to choose between two options when spending its finite resources. It can buy either guns (invest in defense/military) or butter (invest in production of goods), or a combination of both. This can be seen as an analogy for choices between defense and civilian spending in more complex economies.
On a personal level, I believe it represents investment in short term consumables (butter, going to the movies, cars) versus long term investments that improve one’s standings (firearms, gold, or even simply a shovel). The cost of each is assumed to be the same. The “butter” can only be used once, the “guns” may not see regular use, or possibly none at all, but if used, can be used repeatedly and therefore continually improve your position. (This is MY view and definition, don’t forget.)
Looking around right now, it seems as though the butter market has gone bust, and EVERYONE is buying actual guns….
So I thought I’d show you how to make your own butter.
Butter is simply the fat from milk. It milk’s natural state, the butter is held in globules with protective coatings to prevent them from clumping together. By agitating the globules until the protective coatings rupture, we can then get the butter fat to clump up, separating from the water in the milk.
I know this is an oversimplified description, don’t pick nits. Take cream, shake it, it turns to butter and buttermilk.)
How I did it at home without the convenience (or hassle) of owning a milking cow/goat/sheep/llama/buffalo/yak? I bought heavy whipping cream at the grocery store.
List of items needed:
Heavy whipping cream. Organic is better, of course. You may also be able to purchase some from a local farmer, assuming you are buying the raw milk and cream for pet consumption, since raw cow’s milk is vile, nasty poisonous stuff outlawed by the FDA. (Although those same folks said Twinkies were OK to sell)
Also, you’ll need a jar with a tight fitting lid, and optionally, some salt.
The process is simple to set up, but tiresome to execute:
- Pour the heavy cream into a jar, being sure to leave an inch or two of head space. I usually pour a pint of heavy cream into a quart jar.
- Optionally, add salt. I use about a 1/2 teaspoon for a pink of cream. You can adjust this to taste if needed at the end.
- Shake.
- Shake some more.
- Shake it more than that.
- Goto Step #2
When your arms have fallen off, have someone else shake the jar a bit more. The cream will go from “whipped”, much like you would use on a dessert, to an almost solid, grainy mass. At this point it will start to break up into lumps of …butter! Continue to shake until you have a large lump of butter in a thin milky solution.
Pour off the liquid, then stir the butter for a few minutes. This will extract more liquid, and make the butter smooth. Pour off any remaining liquid, and taste. Adjust he salt content if needed, being sure to stir it adequately.
You just made butter…AND buttermilk! Go make some cornbread with the buttermilk, and top it with your homemade butter!
You can thank me later!
Watch the process here:
And for the record, you should be buying guns now, literally and figuratively. Plan for your future…so you’ll have one.
I like the thinking, Durable vs disposable goods. You could probably expand that out a little to Durable Vs Disposable Vs Military/Government.
Mmmm, butter!
So, I’m in the market for a handgun (Thank you very much). I’d also like to think ahead and have something to lock it in, with a 2year old running about. There’s a local range I will get a membership to as well. Looks like fun! What do you recommend I buy? Something girly. Lightweight, inexpensive, yet effective.
Thanks for the post. I always enjoy reading!
Good to hear!
I’m partial to the Kel-Tec line, they are inexpensive, reliable,and come in a variety of colors. We’ve had several, and never had a failure with one.
More important than the gun or the lock is education. If you are new to firearms, take a couple classes, get some hands-on training from a professional. PAY for the training, you will be more likely to take it seriously.
Then, once you are more familiar and comfortable around guns, then think about what to get, and by then, you’ll have already been exposed to a variety, and will have a better idea as to what you want to get.
Nothing wrong with a Kel-Tec as I own one.I have been reloading for years and a now with all the ammunition being brought up I am glad I have the equipment to load .
I am always saving brass and lead as I also have bullet molds.I did not ever think that .22 long rifle ammo would be hard to find.But these days if you see any get it while you can.
Reloading is something I grew up doing with my father….I want to get back into it soon.
Thanks for the comments!
I’ll check out Kel-tec. I’m not a total noob, I do have 2 brothers that are gun fans & avid hunters and I grew up partially in WV too! I’ve only shot rifles though, never a handgun. Thus the reason why I thought the Mrs falling on her a** repeatedly was too funny. Been there!
Education, yes. It’s a smart move. I’ll stop by the range today to inquire & report back. Thanks db.
I like the browning buckmark .22. Easy and fun to shoot. Good for practice.
the kal tec is just too small for me. I want something with some stopping power and don’t want anyone getting too close.
I also have a glock 26 9mm. Ammo is getting expensive if you can find it.
In my area all ammo is getting hard to find. This is my CCW.
The Buckmark is a fine handgun, and VERY fun to shoot.
What KelTec were you speaking of about being too small?? The 9mm, PF9 is not much smaller than a Glock 26, and is also a single stack.
And I feel they may tax ammo beyond the affordability level to get around the 2nd Amendment.
Thanks for the instructions for the butter (and also the demo). We seem to through so much of it,the prices do add up. I was thinking about getting rid of my rifles&shotguns to just have less ‘stuff’. In light of recent hysterias,
however, I may just find some extra cash to get a little ammo for said “investments”.
Before you buy think about a revolver vs a pistol and the pro/cons of each.
Load bullets – always ready to fire, pull trigger goes bang no saftey to mess with
or need to chamber a round
Single hand operation
If you reload..dont have to pick up your empty shell casings
With the transfer bar system – carry fully loaded
only 5 or 6 rounds
Bulkier than a pistol
takes longer to reload – debateable
Magazine feed – many rounds if desired
Less bulky than revolver
More complicated than a revolver – cant just ponit and pull trigger
spent casings go everywhere
more ‘moving parts’ to fail
need to keep cleaner – my opionion
Pistol – Ruger LCP – 380ACP or Ruger LC9 – 9mm
Revolver – Ruger LCR in 38Special/357Mag or 22Mag.
I agree with most everything you say except this:
“More complicated than a revolver – cant just ponit and pull trigger”
Double action only pistols are exactly point and shoot. My preferred carry piece is just that, point and shoot, no safety.
and this:
“Load bullets – always ready to fire, pull trigger goes bang no saftey to mess with or need to chamber a round”
I’ve owned two revolvers that had a safety on them, and its my opinion that if you are carrying any handgun, you should have a round ready to go.
And this for revolvers:
“only 5 or 6 rounds”
I have a 9 shot .22 I’ve been known to carry. Also, one of my favorite Louis L’Amour stories is “Mistakes Can Kill You“, as gunfight story involving a Walch Navy Revolver
There is so much variety out there, that if you are serious about carrying, you’ll only carry your first handgun until you buy the second..then the third…etc.
Get exposed to the variety, see what works for you. Much like handling firearms, the education regarding the variety available is important.
Louis L’Amour, a fine writer!
I prefer “Fantastic”, but yes….
I like the fact that if he writes about a creek below a particular hill with a large boulder…everything he describes is really there…
Have you tried using a vibrating case cleaner to agitate the jar? It would be a lot less work if the power is on.
No, I don’t have one…should work though…but hen so will a food processor or stand mixer. Even driving down a bumpy road would probably do it