My next project: Canned mullet (Part 3, The Verdict)

My next project: Canned mullet (Part 3, The Verdict)

Last week, I was finally able to sample the canned mullet (see part 1 here) (see part 2 here), with the help of the ever-present (at least when food is involved) BlueTang. We gathered around the four ounce jar with great fear and excitement, wondering what to expect. BT’s cats both stood at the ready, as though knowing they were about to get the leftovers of a fine (to a cat) fish dinner.

But it wasn’t to be. At least not for the cats 🙂

We cracked the seal on the jar (I LOVE canning my own food!) and were greeted by the gentle aroma of fish….mild, tasty-smelling fish. Score one for me!

BT removed several pieces and plated them, taking great care to remove the bones.

Silly peasant! These are pressure cooked fish! Just as in the canned sardines, you can eat the bones!

I kept mine in, AND added his discarded bones to my plat. NO cat was going to get any of MY hard-earn (and up to this point, greatly ridiculed) mullet!

We looked at each other, daring each other with stares, nervous about who would chicken out first. Neither did. At the same time, we raised full forks (can’t eat a wimpy bite, how unmanly that would be!) to our mouths are *GULP* took a bite.

 And were pleasantly surprised. Not only passable, but actually pretty darned good! Yes, there were issues with the salt content, and we both agreed the overall flavor was bland fish, BUT! it was edible, and rather nice. We then dove back into the tiny jar for the last shreds, splitting them evenly. A quick trip to the pantry for mustard, hot sauce, and smoked salt (every thing in his kitchen has a smoked version), and we were back at it, testing with the typical sardine flavors.

The verdict is that we shall do it again, with some tweaks – more salt, plus mustard, more hot sauce, and possible a batch with, dare I say this out loud, liquid smoke. We both agreed that this would make a fantastic smoked fish dip, as well as a fish salad for sandwiches. I will be doing this again. Small batches until I hit on the perfect recipe, but the baseline is done, and is very acceptable.


So mullet, beware. There is a new flavor in town, and you are it!


  1. Congrats! I love sardines so I’d probably like it. Don’t see us canning mullet anytime soon, though 🙂 But, very glad it turned out well for ya!

  2. Okay…I believe you liked it because, if you’re anything, you’re honest. Except I’m pretty sure you would eat a skunk’s butt and like it. When can I have a taste?

  3. Well Hillbilly – you did it again. I’m not even a big fish eater and I liked that mullet. When you get that recipe down pat be sure to post it for all to share.


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