I’m feeling much better today, able to move around with a lot less pain. Now to get back into a more “regular” sleep pattern. I’ve been sleeping most days and up most nights for the last few days, throwing off everyone’s daily routine. My posts have been irregular at best, and I’m feeling like getting back into it full swing. I thought I would use today’s post as a back up, regroup, sort my thoughts kind of post.

First, there is a giveaway still in process! I have two new neck knives purchased by myself that I am giving to two random subscribers to my blog. Names to be pulled when we reach 100 subscribers or on the last day of the month, whatever happens first.

I treat this blog as a job, providing information, comment, and personal insight into things I find important or interesting involving self sufficiency, disaster preparedness, self reliance, as well as hunting, fishing, gardening, homesteading, and raising small livestock in an urban environment, particularly those things as seen from a south Florida perspective. This is all part of my adjustment to living here, and using my West Virginia upbringing to “make it work” for me.
Having said that, part of a job is to get paid. The site does cost me money, as well as effort on my part. I will continue to write it as a free service, but will probably look into selling ad space, but only to companies I think fit my lifestyle, and offer a product or service that I would (or do) use myself. I’ll not sell out to Starbucks just because they offered me a million dollars. (OK at a million, I MIGHT…) I will also continue to use Amazon as a way to generate some income, linking to products as I mention them. The banner at the top of the page also can be clicked to allow me to gain a referral fee whenever you click as a way to get to Amazon, but only when you purchase something from them. This does not increase your cost at all, so anytime you are looking to buy something from Amazon, please click my Amazon banner to get there, and it will help cover my costs.
I’m working on a FloridaHillbilly Compendium to be sold in Kindle format that is simply a collection of what I consider my better, timeless posts. This will probably be a regular thing, either annually or semi-annually. Price will probably be $0.99 per issue. I want this for myself to have when I carry my Kindle. I will look into other formats should I get enough requests.
From time to time, companies will be sending me products to review. The items will be given to me, no charge, but I will probably not be paid for the trouble. I may end up giving the item away once I’ve reviewed it, also, but at my discretion.
I guess what I’m saying is that I’m moving forward, looking to offer more bang for your time spent here, and in return helping me to justify my time and effort spent doing so. “A man’s gotta eat, same as worms”…to paraphrase.
As to subject matter, I will always take suggestions. If you’ve read THIS far, we probably share some common interests, so let me know what you’d like to read about. I also like to research things (to the point of absurdity at times), so if you have a question, ask! I’ll see what I can find for you. Make them realistic questions though, please. If you’d like for me to review something for you, be it one of your products, or something you’ve thought about getting, let me know, I’ll look into it.
Things to expect in the near future:
- Redoing my overgrown gardens
- Fall plants for Florida
- The continuing saga of Muscovy ducks for eggs and meat
- Soaps and soap making
- Vinegar
- Camping
- Kayaking
- Fishing
- Blowguns!
- More recipes, probably Paleo
- Ramping up rabbit production for the fall
- What to do with all this bamboo now that I have it!
- Spending the day at Green Earth Survival School
- Maybe a post or two from the wife!
- Guest posts from some of my friends (or at least from material they’ve sent me)
- Reviews:
- The great folks over at Hides.com have sent me a bag full of their products, and I’ll be reviewing them as well as giving some away. I’m very excited about these items, I LOVE added functionality in something I already use.
- Also on the list is a castnet provided by Joe over at castnets.com
- Finishing my series of LaraBars sent to me from Stacy over at Larabar.com. I’ll be tying them all together into a single post as well.
- As well as thing I already own: fire starters, firearms, knives, a Grand Trunk hammock, my Fujifilm XP55 camera, metal detectors, traps, and other odds and ends that are already part of my world.
And…(I’m excited about this) I am almost ready to release my FHB logo! I’ve been working with a good friend on it. She grew up with me in WV and now lives….in FL!
…..and lots of other oddball things, I’m sure!
I’m looking forward to reading this stuff, I hope you are as well!