I spoke about Zenni Optical a while back, but had never actually tried them out. Well, last week, I received my first order from them, and I’m impressed enough that I thought I’d share.
I went to the website, www.zennioptical.com, and registered. I then had the wife take a mugshot of me, then uploaded it so I could see what I looked like with each frame style, a key thing in trying on frames.
Once I found the frames I liked, I selected options from drop down boxes for each particular option available.
Moving down the page, it asked for my prescription. This was obtained from my optometrist a week prior. Complete the order, verify, pay, then wait two weeks. Very straightforward.
My order was:
- Bendable (Memory) Titanium Half-Rim Frame $15.95 Color Black
- Polarized Clip-On Sunglasses – Gray 1 $3.95
- Lens 1.57 Mid-Index Single Vision, No Charge $0.00
- AR Anti-Reflection Coating Super Hydrophobic A/R $8.95
- Sub Total $28.85
- Shipping & Handling $4.95
- Grand Total $33.80
Keep in mind, this is without any insurance.
- The cheapest frames start at $6.95, but I opted for more expensive, bendable ones that take a LOT more abuse…a good thing for me.
- I also wanted to check out their clip-on sunglasses…they are CRAP, and I’d not buy them again.
- Anti-reflective coating is a must, since I planned use these outside. You can skip it if just buying indoor glasses.
Now on to the product.
Here is the package as I received it:
The case, out of the bubble wrap package:
Contents: Glasses, cleaning cloth, PD measurement ruler, bizcard
Expanded contents:
Glasses and cleaning cloth:
The glasses:
Fit and finish is fantastic, even better if you consider the price. I wore them all weekend, and are comparable with my new glasses that our insurance paid for…with a $35 material co-pay. These particular frames are great since they don’t stay bent when you fall asleep in them. They are light, and comfortable.
For the $33.80 I paid, I’ll be trying Zennio again, this time prescription sunglasses.
Things I was not happy about- The case was CHEAP, and barely passes for a case…Another problem is that everything is marked “made in China”, no surprise, I suppose. But with that being said, the quality is top notch, and even if they only last me a year, I’m at a break-even vs my insurance-purchased ones.
It’s not a fun topic, and not very glamorous, but having a spare pair of specs is an important thing, no matter how good things are. Ask Velma (from Scooby-Doo), or worse, JB Dix in Deathlands book 41, Freedom Lost, what happens when you lose your glasses…
this is a good thing to know (Robert my lit’guy needs a part of scrip sunglasses) he is as blind as I am and I would like to have a pair of script sunglasses just to keep in the car
I now have a backup pair I don’t mind if I misplace for a day or 6
I have been ordering glasses from zennioptical.com for years. People always mistake low priced for cheap quality. My Zenni glasses are always of perfect prescription and great quality. I’d rather pay Zenni $40 for glasses made in China than pay Wal-Mart $400 for glasses made in… CHINA… LOL…
Its amazing how much money you save when you cut out the middleman!
Where’s the picture of you wearing them???..:-D
I will be ordering from them soon….Just picked out my frames….I just have to go get a new RX.