This will be short. Kiss your significant other. Hug your kids. Make peace with your maker. Today the world ends, according to the Mayan calendar.
OK, not according to the calendar…according to interpretations of the calendar.
Either way, this is my last post. I’m done. I have better things to do. Hug my wife and kids. Relax. Play some mindless game for a bit. Do what *I* want to do to pass my final minutes here.
Yeah, I don’t believe it either, but it gives me an evening off, sort of, to snuggle with the wife, hug the kids, put up the tree (finally!).
You should always make time to stop, step back from life’s hectic pace, and look around. What use is rushing from moment to moment, when at the end of the race, it really doesn’t matter how fast you got there? Go smile a bit, and enjoy what you have, no matter how much or how little you have.
D, I’ll bet you $100.00 the world doesn’t end.
No thanks, I’m sure you’re working an angle
Bummer. What the heck am I going to do with all my Zombie loads ?
Just because the world doesn’t end, doesn’t mean we might not have zombies….
Goodbye Florida Hillbilly, it was nice knowing ya!
Oh, guess what I have in my ice chest? 14 raw oysters! Got them from the farmer’s market yesterday. It’s gonna be my last meal.
Frying some cured pork products for me “Last Meal”. Nothing says I just don’t care as much as loading up on some greasy pork sausage to start the day.