How To Remove the Husk from a Coconut (And Respect Your Elders)

I’ve covered getting the water out of a green coconut, and how to open the nut itself, but recently realized I never showed how I get the nut out of the husk in order to get to the meat of an older, more mature coconut. A friend that works with my wife recently sent some fresh […]

Instant Lacto-Paleo Chocolate Mousse

This one is for my buddy, BlueTang, a skinny diabetic, who has had his share of shit-sandwiches force-fed to him. I hope this offsets some of the taste 🙂 I have been on a salad binge the last couple weeks, particularly enjoying Caesar salad for its anchovies. Gotta LOVE a salty little fish that makes […]

Review: The ULTIMATE Long term storage item – Yoder’s Bacon

My 9 year-old stayed with my mom for the weekend, and was telling her about this wonderful product we stock for emergencies, and my mom was quizzing me about it. I realized I had never written about it here, so I think it’s about time.

Thrifty Food Buy and Uses for 22 August 2012

This is my only “regular” weekly post, and it revolves around stores in my area, and food that we eat. We practice “Eat what you store, store what you eat”. Since I try to eat “Paleo”, this means very little food that includes any grains, legumes, or refined sugars. This week, a little change, I […]

Up next: Stingray for Dinner!

In regards to my failed attempt at flounder gigging, and a reference to my canned mullet, I recieved this on my FloridaHillbilly Facebook page today: SB-“If all else fails, maybe you could try canning stingray.” And I got to thinking….why not? Well, maybe not canning it, but stingray as a dish? Most people consider it […]

Thrifty Food Buy and Uses for 15 August 2012

This is my only “regular” weekly post, and it revolves around stores in my area, and food that we eat. We practice “Eat what you store, store what you eat”. Since I try to eat “Paleo”, this means very little food that includes any grains, legumes, or refined sugars. This week, a little change, I […]

Thrifty Food Buys for 31`July 2012

This weekly post will revolve around stores in my area, and food that we eat. Saving money by buying in bulk is no good if you are storing food you will never eat. “Eat what you store, store what you eat” will be my guidelines. Since I try to eat “Paleo”, this means very little […]

Thrifty Food Buys for 26 July 2012

This weekly post will revolve around stores in my area, and food that we eat. Saving money by buying in bulk is no good if you are storing food you will never eat. “Eat what you store, store what you eat” will be my guidelines. To me, this means very little food that includes any […]