Revisiting My choice in animals for “Urbansteading”

This is a repost of one of my first articles. I’ve gotten a lot of questions as to why I’ve chosen these, so thought I’d repost it to get it out there again.   Living 5o feet from another family makes certain choices VERY important. Your TV volume, height of your fence, amount of clothing […]

Dehydrators – A Self Reliance Tool

I was looking for a subject tonight, and realized I’d never written about my dehydrators, though I’ve written many articles that included them as an important background player. The list of my articles that use a dehydrator includes: Drying and Storing Sweet Peppers Fire Roasted Coconut Dried Chili Lime Papaya Chips Making your own All […]

Rabbit Cages

This is about the lessons I’ve learned from raising rabbits. Most of these are self-taught, and mostly due to doing things the wrong way the first time. And sometimes second. This is also timely for a couple of reasons. I’ve given out some rabbit samples to some co-conspirators that wanted to try it, thinking they […]

‘Tis the Season…..Wabbit (Breeding) Season!

The weather has eased away from the oppressive heat that makes having a fur coat unpleasant, and being pregnant downright miserable. So I opt to stop breeding my rabbits in the heat of summer. Since the weather has eased, approximately 30 days ago, I bred two of my does to my AlTex Buck. AlTex is […]

Green Earth Survival School’s Primitive Skill’s Class

I spent the weekend assisting Hank with his Primitive skills class, and as always, I probably learned as much as some of the students. Hank also called in Amanda from the Oxbow Center in Port St. Lucie, who is a fountain of information, both regarding Florida’s flora and fauna, as well as topics like blowguns, […]

You Can Lead a Horse to Water, But You Can’t Make Them THINK

…or maybe I should say “mule”. Try all you will to change someone’s thoughts or beliefs, and you fail almost every time. Why is that? Maybe some folks just don’t get it…. …or do they? Human nature is predictable about 99% of the time in regards to