My off The Grid Coffee Options

James over a SurvivalPunk wrote up his method for off the grid coffee, and while his works fine, I decided I wanted to express my method too. (He does seem to bring out the competitor in me, and I’m thankful for his prodding and motivation. Thanks Bro!) I  could purchase a 12v coffee maker to […]

Alternative uses for Papayas

Remember when I wrote about my volunteer papaya tree? How about them tasting like vomit? Blech! Well, as my papayas grow out and ripen, I’ve been cutting, smashing, or busting them open for the chickens to eat. The seem to like it, and that’s fine with me! At least I’m getting something useful out of […]

My Long Term Storage Arrangements

If you didn’t know, I’m what you’d call a “prepper”.  But I find it amusing that what I grew up doing now has a trendy label. Its not like my parents were tinfoil hat wearing paranoids. Far from it. We put food up for the future because it simply made sense. You can’t grow green […]

Countertop Mushrooms

Last weekend on Saturday morning, the wife and I hit another local green market, located in Ft. Pierce. It’s broken into two sections, crafts and edibles. We blazed through the crafts, but took our time in the edibles section. The selection of both was fantastic, but the food section was what we were there to […]